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The 58th Annual Meeting of the Casa Fiesta Townhouses Association will be Thursday February 20, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. in the clubhouse lounge room.
40% of the association membership (62) is a necessary quorum for the meeting. The quorum may be reached either by attendance in person or absentee ballot. Meeting materials including absentee ballots were mailed to all association members on January 21, 2025. To ensure a quorum in advance, we would like to receive absentee ballots by February 13 (but will accept them up until meeting time).
The meeting will feature board elections of three board seats. Annual reports will be delivered on maintenance, administration, and adjudication & enforcement matters.
Participation of all association members is encouraged. Refreshments will be served.
February Newsletter & Board Organizational Meeting
Click for the February 2025 Newsletter. The next regular board meeting will be February 20, 2025, IN THE CLUBHOUSE immediately following the 58th annual meeting of the association's council of co-owners. Supporting documents for the meeting will be available to registered members on the website's Board Meetings page. 
2024-2025 Annual Budget
The Casa Fiesta Board approved the annual budget for fiscal year 2024-2025 at the meeting held June 20, 2024. The budget may be accessed here: Casa Fiesta Budget 2024-2025.
2024-2026 Strategic Plan
The Casa Fiesta Board of Directors approved the 2024-2026 revised strategic plan at its April 18, 2024 board meeting. The plan may be viewed or downloaded under the "Documents" page of this website. It may also be accessed by clicking on this link: Strategic Plan 2024-2026.
Monthly Board Meetings
Board of Directors Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Casa Fiesta Clubhouse.  Residents are invited to attend.  If a resident wishes to speak to an agenda item, or to request that an item be placed on a future agenda, see information provided on the Board Meetings page.  Upcoming meeting agendas are posted on the Documents page.  Board Meeting Highlights are published in the monthly Casa Fiesta NEWS, also found on the Documents page.
Monthly Newsletters
The Casa Fiesta "Neighborhood News" is published monthly.  The latest issue, along with recent issues, are available on the Documents page.  Included:  Board Meeting Highlights, Administration & Maintenance Reports, Adjudication & Enforcement Reports, and other current news stories.