The CF Board of Directors has a duty to maintain architectural standards. Specifically, the CC&R's, Article VII (Architectural Control), in part, provides: “No exterior additions, or alterations to any building nor changes in fences, hedges, walls and other structures shall be commenced, erected, or maintained until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials, location[,] and approximate cost of the same shall have been submitted to[,] and approved in writing as to conformity and harmony of external design and location with existing structures in the property by[,] an architectural committee composed of the Board of Directors, or by a representative designated by the Board.” |
To implement CC&R's, Article VII, in October of 2004 the Board approved Residential Appurtenance Governing Provisions (hereafter known as the Appurtenance Policy.) Any homeowner contemplating an appurtenance (fence, gate, patio cover, replacement windows, Arcadia doors, security doors, etc.) must carefully and completely submit paperwork that meets the requirements of this policy. Requests lacking appropriate documentation will not be considered, nor approved. Moreover, an appurtenance built without board approval is subject to fines and/or forced removal of the unapproved appurtenance at the homeowner's cost. Also see the information on City Permits provided under Community Links.
An Appurtenance Request Requirements Checklist (taken directly from the Requirements section of the Appurtenance Policy) was developed in 2014, to assist homeowners in providing the required paperwork. In September of 2016, a Resolution Prohibiting Certain Flora Types was approved by the Board to prohibit plants that present a safety hazard, an inordinate obstacle to cleanliness, a possible threat to the integrity of association structures, or potential infringement of neighboring residents’ right of enjoyment of their own property. These prohibited plants include castor bean trees, cactus, moringa, mulberry trees, and mimosas.
Provides that no further patio room additions shall be permitted other than existing structures added at the time of the policymaking. Existing structures are exempt "grandfathered."
To provide guidance for approved front door replacements, the Exterior Front Door policy was approved on July 15, 2021. |
To gain control over the proliferation of rear patio fences & gates, many not "in conformity and harmony of external design" with existing structures of Casa Fiesta, and many not approved by the Board, the Board unanimously approved the Architectural Control: Patio Fences (& Gates) policy in November of 2014. Homeowners contemplating changing their patio fence and gate must follow this policy. For a summary of how this policy was developed between 2010 and 2014, see the Summary of Decisions Made in Developing Architectural Standards for Patio Fences (& Gates).
The Fence and Gate Appurtenance Pre-Approval Checklist and Final Approval Form was developed to document the type of fence selected/approved, and is intended to be used in addition to the Appurtenance Request Requirements Checklist, (described above under Appurtenance Policy).
When selecting fence/gate materials among those allowed by the Patio Fences (& Gates) policy (above), homeowners should consider appearance, longevity, and maintenance required. These are summarized in the Fence and Gate Considerations information sheet. See also: Fence and Gate Wrought Iron Privacy Shielding-Composite Wood Manufacturers.
See also these Photos of the 3 Compliant Fence/gate Types: chain link, wrought iron, and block wall.